Monday, October 11, 2010

Psalm 78:4–7

"We will not hide these truths from our children;
     we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the LORD,
     about his power and his mighty wonders.
For he issued his laws to Jacob;
     he gave his instructions to Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
     to teach them to their children,
so the next generation might know them—
     even the children not yet born—
     and they in turn will teach their own children.
So each generation should set its hope anew on God,
     not forgetting his glorious miracles
     and obeying his commands."

Do you tell your children (and grandchildren if you have them) stories of God's faithfulness? Certainly we need to recount stories recorded in the Bible. We also need stories from our own lives so that the next generations see his faithfulness in the present as well. Think about the stories you can tell of God's goodness to you. And—start telling them!

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