Saturday, November 3, 2012

Psalm 119:89, 91

"Your eternal word, O LORD,
stands firm in heaven. …
Your regulations remain true to this day,
for everything serves your plans."

God's Word is eternal; its truth will never change or pass away. For those who don't see the Bible as relevant today, these verses refute that stance. God's Word, his laws, and his truth stand firm forever, and everything that happens still serves his plan. Can you let this truth give you peace today? As you dwell on God's Word, rest in the fact that everything serves his plans. As you put yourself in the way of God's good plan by obedience, you can experience amazing peace

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Proverbs 22:26–27

"Don't agree to guarantee another person's debt
or put up security for someone else.
If you can't pay it,
even your bed will be snatched from under you."

What could be clearer: Don't co-sign another person's note! We are not to be so "nice" that we are foolish. These verses suggest it's wise to avoid getting mixed up in other people's financial affairs. Life is uncertain enough for oneself, without dealing with other people's finances. If you have friends or family members who want you to help them financially, heed these verses.